SKM FURNITURE is at the heart of local communities around Western Australia. We’re committed to supporting local charities, groups and organisations that contribute positively to health, education and the environment.

How can we help?

We can:

  • Sponsor community based “Not for Profit” programs.
  • Donate gift cards to support local events and fundraising efforts.
  • Volunteer to assist with events and fundraising.
  • Host store tours.
  • Provide space at the front of our store to run your own fundraising activity—note this is not possible at all stores, so check with the Store Manager before filling in this form.

How do you apply?

  1. Complete this application form online

Note: If you are submitting a fundraising request and your group is licensed to fund-raise, then please attach a written authority to the fundraiser. If your group is exempt, then this is not required.

[contact-form-7 id=”66853″ title=”Community support application form”]

Please note:

  • SKM FURNITURE Local Community Support program does not assist political or government groups, activist organizations, for-profit organizations, organizations or groups that discriminate or limit membership in any way, professional sporting events and sportspeople or offshore appeals and beneficiaries.
  • Due to our commitment to health and Safety, Gift Cards sponsored by SKM Furniture, should not be used to purchase tobacco, alcohol, fuel, Betting & Gambling.